How does an organisation know whether it has an efficient IT function? This is a question often posed by CEOs and CFOs about their IT department. CIO Plus answers the question by using our experience, common sense and a range of methodologies that we have developed over time to benchmark and improve the operational performance of IT. Our methods use proven industry standards and experience applied in a practical way with demonstrable results. We will also help organisations move from where they are to where they need to be using our proven approach that minimises risk, Integrated Operational Planning and Budgeting (IOPB).
Should your outsourcing relationship(s) be falling short of their promised benefits we can undertake a structured Relationship Review to ensure the arrangement is put back on track swiftly.
To enhance the guidance we give customers on Operational Performance, we now provide a 30 day baseline assessment using Nexthink that gives CIO’s and (probably more pertinently) Heads of IT Operations the first end-to-end view from the User Perspective of the services that are being consumed across an organisation’s entire IT Infrastructure.

What our clients have said:
"We knew we had significant IT issues and we expected to have to pay a substantial sum to sort them out. We didn’t expect IT to go through so much improvement and be the biggest contributor to profitability in the same year."

Huw Davies, Chief Financial Officer Wates

Case Study - Wates
Learn how CIO Plus re-engineered the entire IT department of Wates. Our work here significantly improved service levels and increased profits by 50%.
View the full case study here.
Case Study - SSE (formerly Scottish & Southern Energy)
Understand the role played by CIO Plus in improving the IT service performance within SSE which led to a substantial rise in profitability and a 140% rise in the share price.
View the full case study here.

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Read our approach to Benchmarking to understand how these significant improvements can be delivered.