In M&A situations, up to 50% of the anticipated cost savings arise from integrating the IT functions properly. CIO Plus employs a rapid integration methodology to take out costs and to simplify and standardise the IT environment. We put early focus on communicating clearly, stopping unnecessary projects quickly and redeveloping the sourcing strategy.
With Divestments, we focus on minimising stranded costs and headcount increases as IT functions are split. Again, moving fast is key as both parties generally want to get beyond the transition period and into the subsequent transformation activities as soon as safely possible. CIO Plus has run several successful M&A and Divestment projects.
We specialise in the generation of value from IT by utilising our deep skills and experience in cost reduction and change management. Whether it’s M&A or Divestment, by involving CIO Plus early enough, we can contribute significantly to ensuring that our client benefits from a well constructed contract with no hidden pitfalls. It’s always more difficult to work through these transitions if items have been overlooked in the contractual detail.

What our clients have said:

"Once again I am delighted with the outcome. CIO Plus always brings a relentless focus on delivery to their programmes."
Chris Johnson, Director of Shared Services QinetiQ after the IT and Facilities Management departments had been totally transformed
Case Study - Invitel
Hungary’s Second Largest Fixed Line Telco
Learn how CIO Plus exceeded planned synergy benefits by 25% when integrating the acquisitions of Invitel to form the undisputed No.2 Fixed Line Telco in Hungary by utilising Best Practice for IT in M&A.
Click here for details.

Case Study - De La Rue
World Experts in Cash Management
CIO Plus delights De La Rue senior management when handling a major divestment.
Click here for details.
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