CIO Plus Interim Managers are a cost-effective way of getting your organisation from where it is today to where it needs to be in the future. The area of focus may be the IT Strategy, IT Leadership, IT Sourcing Strategy, a delinquent (costly, late) programme/project or simply a major change challenge that you don’t have the in-house capability or bandwidth to meet.
We have a broad market reach, deep knowledge of suppliers and a flexible approach to our client engagements. This is combined with a relentless focus on delivery and a total commitment to exceed our clients' expectations. All of our staff are highly experienced professionals, who have helped clients meet a vast array of significant IT related challenges and they are used to delivering common sense, practical solutions.
Our Interims are often brought in when a new role needs to be filled urgently by an experienced professional who can hit the ground running and deliver value immediately.

What our clients have said:

"Probably the best CIO operating in the UK today."
Paul Drechsler, Chief Executive of Wates talking about the Interim CIO supplied by CIO Plus

Case Study - Wates
IT services were significantly improved and profits increased by 50%, no wonder the CEO described the Interim as "Probably the best CIO operating in the UK today".
Click here for details.
Case Study - Invitel
Hungary’s Second Largest Fixed Line Telco
Learn how CIO Plus exceeded planned synergy benefits by 25% when integrating the acquisitions of Invitel to form the undisputed No.2 Fixed Line Telco in Hungary by utilising Best Practice for IT in M&A.
Click here for details.

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Please register to access our latest White Paper on Integrated Operational Planning & Budegeting. Download our presentation The Six Pillars of IT Value showing how CIOs can ensure that IT delivers the right value.